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Browsing by Author Sulaieva, N.

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Common pedagogical principles of teaching and development of musical abilities of schoolchildren in educational structureSulaieva, N.; Demianko, N.; Remezova, N.; Irkliienko, V.; Rahulina, M.; Сулаєва, Н.В.; Дем'янко, Н.Ю.; Ремезова, Н.М.; Ірклієнко, В.С.; Рагуліна, М.М.
2023Features of future teacher’s ethnocultural competence formation in the conditions of martial lawSulaieva, N.; Сулаєва, Н.В.
2021Future music teacher training for professional activity in out-of-school educational institutionsSulaieva, N.; Сулаєва, Н.В.
2022Future teacher training to overcome children’s tempo-rhythmic speech disorders by means of ukrainian folk songsSulaieva, N.; Leshchenko, M.; Сулаєва, Н.В.; Лещенко, М.П.
2022Multimedia technologies for teaching musical art under present-day conditionsHuralna, S.; Demianko, N.; Sulaieva, N.; Irkliienko, V.; Horokhivska, T.; Дем'янко, Н.Ю.; Сулаєва, Н.В.; Ірклієнко, В.С.
2022Opportunies for international students to receive non-formal art education at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical UniversitySulaieva, N.; Сулаєва, Н.В.
2021The development of preschoolers’ cognitive and communicative activity in the process of educational and research activities in natureKarapuzova, I.; Sulaieva, N.; Manzhelii, N.; Vashak, O.; Fazan, T.; Карапузова, І.В.; Сулаєва, Н.В.; Манжелій, Н.М.; Вашак, О.О.; Фазан, Т.П.
2024Training of future teachers for the development of students’ creative thinking in art classes in general secondary education institutionsSulaieva, N.; Сулаєва, Н.В.
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


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