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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Cooperative online international learning (COIL): course development and evaluation by the students of Poltava V.G. Korolenko national pedagogical university, Ukraine, and University college copenhagen, DenmarkГриньова, М.В.; Ніколенко, О.М.; Зуєнко, М.О.; Когут, І.В.; Grynova, M.; Nikolenko, O.; Watson, K.; Zuyenko, M.; Pedersen, R.; Kohut, I.
2021Feminist problems in European “New Drama” (“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen)Nikolenko, O.; Ніколенко, О.М.
2023How Do You Overcome Fear? (Based on “Mio, My Son” by Astrid Lindgren)Nikolenko, O.; Ніколенко, О.М.
2023Images of Ukraine and Ukrainians in the Story “Taras Bulba” by M. Gogol (1835)Nikolenko, O.; Ніколенко, О.М.
2024Images of Ukraine and Ukrainians in the Story “Taras Bulba” by M. Gogol (1835)Nikolenko, O.; Ніколенко, О.М.
2022The Problem of Inner Ugliness and Beauty in the Works by Oscar Wilde (Fairytales, “The Picture Of Dorian Gray”)Nikolenko, O.; Ніколенко, О.М.
2024The role of morita therapy in restoring the psychological helth of teachers during the warNikolenko, O.; Zhao, D.; Ніколенко, О.М.
2024The use of Morita Therapy to restore the psychological health of teachers during the war in UkraineZhao, D.; Nikolenko, O.; Nikolenko, K.; Ніколенко, О.М.; Нікоенко, К.С.
2021World Literature of the XIX-XX centuries in the Context of CLIL Methodology: Educational and Methodological TextbookNikolenko, O.; Mukha, O.; Ніколенко, О.М.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10


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