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Название: The Problem of Inner Ugliness and Beauty in the Works by Oscar Wilde (Fairytales, “The Picture Of Dorian Gray”)
Авторы: Nikolenko, O.
Ніколенко, О.М.
Ключевые слова: Oscar Wilde
The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Оскар Вайлд
Портрет Доріана Грея
inner ugliness
внутрішня потворність
Issue Date: 2022
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Every culture and every era is characterized by particular ideas about beauty and beautiful forms. In European culture, our understanding of beauty stems from ancient times. In Ancient Greece and Rome, beauty was equated to correct, symmetrical, harmonious forms. Ancient art aimed for perfection. That’s why ideal forms were considered beautiful. So, perfection, symmetry, harmony are synonymous to beauty in European culture. In Japan, however, it’s different. In Ukrainian language, we only have one word – «краса», but in Japanese there are a few different terms to describe what may be considered beautiful. There are special concepts in Japan to describe what we call beautiful. Sabi means beauty of the old things, like an ancient temple, or even a stone, which has been near the road for many years and is covered with moss. Wabi means the beauty of daily things and events. The Japanese can find beautiful features in every wild flower, house or anything else. And Shibuy is a type of beauty which combines discreet elegance and naturalness. The Japanese appreciate soft beauty, which does not rely on bright colors or unusual effects, it is hidden inside, but full of inner spirituality and dignity.
Описание: Nikolenko O. The Problem of Inner Ugliness and Beauty in the Works by Oscar Wilde (Fairytales, “The Picture Of Dorian Gray”). Perspectives of Comparative World Literature and Cultural Studies: Collection of research papers by students and PhD students of Saitama State University (Japan), Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (Ukraine) and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine) / Ed. by Susumu Nonaka, Olga Nikolenko, Alan George Milne, Kateryna Nikolenko. Vol. II. Kyiv: Lebed‘, 2022. P. 17-22.
URI: http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18646
Appears in Collections:Perspectives of Comparative World Literature and Cultural Studies (2022)

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