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Формальна і неформальна освіта у вимірах педагогіки добра Івана Зязюна >

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Назва: Aesthetic component of a teacher’s spiritual intelligence
Автори: Bohdanova, D.
Ключові слова: spiritual intelligence
aesthetical standards
spiritual values
Дата публікації: 2018
Короткий огляд (реферат): As it is claimed by significant number of scientists, the system of personal values is defined by spirituality of an individual as well as it plays a prominent role in integration of will, consciousness, self-consciousness (Sh. Amonashwilli, V. Kremen, E.Pomitkin, O. Fediyetc). The notion of spiritual intelligence, as the highest attributive feature of human mind, was offered in western psychological science by H. Gardner and D. Zohar. Spiritual intelligence may be defined as transformational form of intelligence, which provides an individual with the possibility of changing the old paradigms with the innovative ones as it shapes the challenges for the human mind in terms of finding the deeper sense of life, its fundamental values, will, clearness of purpose; in addition, spiritual intelligence sets the extent of influence of the above listed factors on the decision making process and personal values of an individual.
Опис: Bohdanova D.O. Aesthetic component of a teacher’s spiritual intelligence / D. O. Bohdanova // Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Формальна і неформальна освіта у вимірах педагогіки добра Івана Зязюна", 5-6 березня 2018 року / Нац. акад. пед. наук України [та ін.] ; [редкол.: Сулаєва Н. В. та ін.]. - Полтава : АСМІ, 2018. - С. 45-47.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10532
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