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Browsing by Author Kohut, I.

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Showing results 5 to 10 of 10
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Multilingualism and clil methodology within multied ERASMUS+ PROJECTZuyenko, M.; Kravchenko, V.; Kohut, I.; Зуєнко, М.О.; Кравченко, В.Л.; Когут, І.В.
2019Professional pedagogical approaches to youth aggression in inclusive-education settingsYalanska, S.; Kohut, I.; Яланська, С.П.; Когут, І.В.
2022Realization of the "Care in Education" concept in relations with children and teaching staff during the implementation of the "Writing for inclusion" projectKohut, I.; CertInI, R.; Когут, І.В.
2024The influence of personality qualities on the perception of reality in the conditions of warCanals Botines, M.; Kohut, I.; Когут, І.В.
2022Towards establishing a conceptual framework for crossdisciplinary approach to case studies in continuing professional development of university lecturersBorm, J.; Grynova, M.; Lunyova, T.; Kohut, I.; Гриньова, М.В.; Луньова, Т.В.; Когут, І.В.
2023War-focused social documentary as a tool for global changeRudych, O.; Canals-Botines, M.; Kohut, I.; Когут, І.В.
Showing results 5 to 10 of 10
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