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Назва: Двоєдиний конструкт діалектичної логіки
Автори: Денисюк, П.В.
Ключові слова: діалектика
Дата публікації: 2017
Короткий огляд (реферат): Розроблено двоєдиний конструкт діалектичної логіки. Обґрунтовано його форму і вкладений у нього смисл. Наведено приклади його застосування.
They believe that the essence of dialectic is still not deeply understood even in the philosophy. One of the problems of dialectical logic is further specification of nature dialectics reflection in thinking taking into account new scientific achievements. This article is devoted to some solution of the problem. The embryos of mammals worldwide are cultivated under consistent conditions and we have shown that it is better to cultivate them under oscillating conditions. In a sinusoidal fashion (sinusoidal changes of environmental conditions) we saw the expressiveness of the dialectic: the maximum value of a parameter passed to a minimum and vice versa. It became clear that the opposite qualities could proceed similarly into one another. It is known that chaos and order can proceed into one another. We therefore realized that opposites could also proceed into one another not only in an orderly, by sinusoid or oscillatory, but also out of order, by any other curve or fluctuatory. It turns out that the contraries of an object (process) proceed into one another in a range that is limited, on the one hand, almost absolute oscillation, and, on the other hand, almost absolute fluctuation. We propose this generalization be reflected with twofold dialectical construct and endow it with the following meaning. The opposites of an object-process (should think such that) proceed into one another multiperiodically rhythmically oscillatory-fluctuatory in the space-time. More strictly it should be assumed that the object-process consists of opposites-nonopposites that proceednotproceed into one another rhythmically-nonrhythmically, coexist-notcoexis, are linked-nonlinked to one another, converge-diverge. Taking into account studies B.-G. Englert (1996), it should also be assumed that when there is 40% of one opposite, then there is 60% of another one, and when there is 2% of one opposite, then there is 98% of another one (etc.) in the oscillation-fluctuation of the same period (frequency). It is convenient to communicate opposites with extremes of curve like sinusoid, which are areas of pendulum deflection from position of conditional equilibrium (PCE). Multiperiodicity of oscillation-fluctuation in space-time may be realized by spiralized spiral, which is spiralized by-turn ... The notion of oscillation and its graphic representation enable us to clearly see the localization in the spacetime interrupted progressivity, more precisely – discontinuity-continuity, or quanticity-nonquanticity, or discreteness-nondiscreteness. The closer quality-quantity of an object-process characteristic to an extremum, the more it is continuous, and the closer it to the PCE, where speed of the pendulum is maximal, the more it is discontinuous. The fate of the object-process as complete-incomplete limited-unlimited system-elements is determined by internal-external, random-nonrandom factors. Creating oscillating environmental conditions, we can help expressive manifestation by rotation one, then the other opposites in their proceeding into one another and get the effect similar to heterosis of organisms.
Опис: Денисюк П. В. Двоєдиний конструкт діалектичної логіки / П. В. Денисюк // Філософські обрії. – 2017. – № 37. – С. 68–77.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7815
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