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Назва: The list of bryophytes of Poltava city and its surroundings
Автори: Gapon, Yu.
Гапон, Ю.В.
Ключові слова: мохоподібні
узагальнений список видів
систематична структура бріофлори
провідні родини
провідні роди
сучасні збори бріофітів
the bryophytes
a consolidated list of species
taxonomic structure of bryoflora
leading families
leading genera
the modern bryophyte collections
Дата публікації: 2016
Короткий огляд (реферат): We have presented a consolidated list of bryophytes from urboecosystem of Poltava city and its surroundings, which includes 92 species of bryophytes belonging to divisions of Marchantiophyta and Bryophyta, and the taxonomic features of bryoflora were marked. The division of Marchantiophyta represented by seven species from five genera, five families and four orders of two classes; Bryophyta ‒ by 84 species from 48 genera, 25 families, 9 orders of three classes. The richest in number of species is a family Pottiaceae (11 species), Brachytheciaceae (9 species), Bryaceae, Amblystegiaceae (by 8 species), Orthotrichaceae (6 species), Polytrichaceae (5 species) that is 51,1% of the total number of species. The families of Dicranaceae, Plagiomniaceae, Plagiotheciaceae include by 4 species and the families of Sphagnaceae, Funariaceae, Hypnaceae ‒ by 3 ones. Twelve families represented by only one species and six families ‒ by two species. The main advantage on the family spectrum of Pottiacecae and Bryaceae related, most likely, with arid conditions of urban ecosystems and their xerophytization processes as well as the presence of rocky substrate, arid open areas and outcrop soils. The richness of Brachytheciaceae, Amblystegiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Polytrichaceae explained by the presence of residual natural forest vegetation in surroundings of the city, and the artificial tree plantation ‒ on the territory of the city. 72% (18 of 25) families represented by one or two species. This indicates the migration and unstable nature of urbanobrioflora. In the genus spectrum the families (43 ones) with a small number of species (one or two) are also dominate. The richest genera are represented by Bryum (7 species), Orthotrichum (6 species), Plagiomnium (4 species). The genus of Sphagnum, Polytrichum, Dicranum, Tortula, Amblystegium, Plagiothecium each represented by three species. The list of species listed on the literature data as well as according the briological herbarium of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (PWU) and the herbarium of plants ecomorphohenesis department of the Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians (LWKS). The representatives of sphagnum mosses are listed only for literature, the last meeting they were not confirmed. The original collections uniformly covered as an administrative part of the city with varying degrees of anthropogenic transformation of vegetation and its surroundings as well.
Опис: Gapon Yu. V. The list of bryophytes of Poltava city and its surroundings / Yu. V. Gapon // Біологія та екологія : наук. журн. / Полтав. нац. пед. ун-т імені В. Г. Короленка. - Полтава, 2016. - Т. 2, № 2. - С. 40-50.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7784
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