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Название: Естетизація соціального як тенденція сучасності
Авторы: Головіна, Н.І.
Ключевые слова: естетизація
Issue Date: 2016
Издатель: Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка
Краткий осмотр (реферат): У статті розглянуто тенденцію тотальної естетизації сучасної соціальної реальності. Виявлено причини, форми й наслідки набуття естетичного статусу соціального феномена, зміни соціальних відносин під впливом естетичного начала.
The article examines trends in total aestheticization of contemporary social reality. It is shown that the phenomenon of anesthetization is quite common sociocultural trend in the modern world. The process of aestheticization is defined as an extension of the sphere of aesthetic and transfer it to other areas of human life: science, production, life, religion, and art. The process of aestheticization in modern society affects all modes of human perception of the world, the deepest foundations of human nature. Aestheticism in this case is an objective and at the same time awareness of targeted social process of acquiring or enhancing the aesthetic qualities of all forms of social relations, including personal. Aesthetic beginning thus became a social phenomenon. The causes, forms and consequences of the acquisition of the social phenomenon of the aesthetic status, changes in social relations under the influence of the aesthetic principle are known. Revealed the relationship between the understanding of the nature of the aestheticization and understanding of aesthetic categories. This growing attention to what was included in the literal meaning of the term «aesthetic» – attention to the feeling of sensuality, intensity of emotional experience. It sensually aesthetic nature of values allows the person to carry out an assessment of reality, primarily from the perspective of beauty. Especially domination aesthetization had total impact on morale. The dominant categories of morality are not goodness and responsibility, but choice and pleasure. The above reasons anesthetization is the commodity of virtually all social relations, such as the displacement of rational orientation, information society. Determined ambivalence of aestheticization processes of contemporary social and cultural life.
Описание: Головіна Н. І. Естетизація соціального як тенденція сучасності / Н. І. Головіна // Філософські обрії. – 2016. – № 36. – С. 111–119.
URI: http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6940
Appears in Collections:2016(36)

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