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2016(35) >
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Название: | Естетична освіта в умовах посткультури |
Авторы: | Головіна, Н.І. |
Ключевые слова: | посткультура естетизація естетична освіта естетичне навчання естетичне виховання |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Издатель: | Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка |
Краткий осмотр (реферат): | У статті розглянуті цілі й завдання естетичної освіти, представленої в єдності навчання й виховання, в умовах посткультури. The article describes the aims and objectives of aesthetic education, provided in the unity of training and education, in a post-culture.
It is shown that for the post-culture is characterized by fragmentation, pluralism, cultural spaces, lack of hierarchy of values and criteria. Post-culture admits her exhaustion and the inability to produce new cultural texts and artifacts, is characterized by a crisis of creativity. The predominance of technological content, the collapse of the traditional system of values questioned the need for an aesthetic appreciation of the world of phenomena.
The state of contemporary aesthetics, in which the transformation of subject fi eld and methodology, systematization and compilation of categorical apparatus. However, post-culture – is an area of numerous paradoxes. One of them is the fact that the process of aestheticization of social reality. Aesthetization in article understood as a purposeful social process of acquiring or enhancing the aesthetic qualities of all forms of social relations, including personal. It is a stable trend in the
development of the modern world, which makes the problem of aesthetic education
important and urgent.
The content of “aesthetic education” concept, which is not enough investigated.
It remains not fully revealed its essence, and the need for scientifi c validity. It is shown that the implementation of aesthetic education in modern Ukraine is a complex issue, which is closely intertwined methodological, pedagogical and organizational aspects. In its decision, it is necessary, fi rst, conceptually understand the goals, objectives, particularly aesthetic education. Secondly, it is necessary to consider the aesthetic education as an inseparable unity of its two main parts: the aesthetic education and aesthetic fostering. Thirdly, to justify the position that the practice of aesthetic education can not be built without aesthetic education. Fourth, to “rehabilitate” the aesthetics as a science, the study of which is necessary in order to save Human and Culture in the world of post-culture. |
Описание: | Головіна Н. І. Естетична освіта в умовах посткультури / Н. І. Головіна // Філософські обрії. – 2016. – № 35. – С. 97–105. |
URI: | http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6506 |
Appears in Collections: | 2016(35)
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