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Назва: Специфіка п’ятидесятницьких спільнот в структурі ВС ЄХБ в період 1945 – 1989 років
Автори: Дмитрук, І.А.
Ключові слова: ЄХБ
союз ЄХБ
Дата публікації: 2014
Видавець: Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті аналізується історико-релігієзнавчий контекст життя п’ятидесятницької конфесії (ХВЄ) у складі релігійного союзу ЄХБ 1945 – 1989 років і показані механізми взаємодії радянської влади і її впливу на синтез пізньопротестантських течій. Ретроспективна картина минулого дає змогу побачити сукупність підходів та еволюцію віровчення ХВЄ у складі з ЄХБ, яке позначилось черговою стадією соціалізації вітчизняного п’ятидесятництва.
The article is a historical - religious studies context analysis Pentecostal denominations life CFE as part of a religious Baptist Union 1945 - 1989 research conducted in the article purports mechanisms of the Soviet regime and its influence on the synthesis of late Protestant denominations. Retrospective picture of the past allows you to see the evolution of a set of approaches and Pentecostal doctrine as part of the ECB, which affected the next stage of socialization domestic Pentecostalism. Important in the community Pentecostal USSR was making historic «the August agreement» in 1945, as a compromise between the communities of Baptists who had half the legal situation (still been persecuted KGB and other secret agencies) and Pentecostals that were illegal position and not subject to any registration. Although between Soviet «Evangelical» Mennonites and Baptists were some similarities in certain religious principles, but not all Pentecostals are agreeing to the terms of unification. However, in the religious life of Western Ukraine could see positive trends. For example, between Evangelical Baptist and Pentecostal representatives united in Belarus, the Baltic States, Volyn, Rivne, Ternopil, Lviv, Zakarpattya, Kyiv and Kirovohrad regions established friendly relations. The relationship of Evangelical Christians-Baptists with Pentecostals can be seen through a kind permutation in the churches: for example, a representative of Evangelical Christians-Baptists could safely carry presbyteral ministry in the parish Pentecostal and Pentecostal pastor - the church Baptist. At the end of 1985 the situation Pentecostals were determined by the presence of three groups. Number of believers was to charge more than 45 000 people. Actually, it is only those churches that joined after «the August agreement» Sun Baptist. Evangelical Christian Church became the focus largest in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. There were also representatives of the CEF, which were not included in the union were not registered, assuming the process sinful action. In the 50-60’s formed branched «underground Pentecostals». Operation of these faiths to late 80’s. Occurred mainly at two levels: the offi cial (legal) and informal (illegal). The intervention of Soviet power in the religious life of the faithful showed negative results, according to which «Pentecostal» - meant to be a member of the anti-Soviet political group, closed sect, so there was stigma under which increased pressure on public activity in the religious Pentecostal life. Practically, we can agree that being a part of Baptist during the «August agreement» confession received considerable spiritual experiences that fruitfully used to shape public doctrine, especially in the period of independent Ukraine. Analyzing the specifi c features of Pentecostal and from «the August Agreements» in 1945 ending a period of independent Ukraine, it should be noted that it does not hide the contrary - is seeking to expand its sphere of influence in society. Since any - that the church wants to unite believers Institute not only on a religious basis, but the association based in youth, women’s and children’s groups and in public - oriented organizations (promotional propaganda teams, missions, philanthropical groups) to religious leaders did not feel limited in their religious life in the team, and vice versa - expanded its sphere of infl uence. Institutionaly process Pentecostal activity update the management.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3593
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