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2014(32) >
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Назва: | Поєднання зороастрійських традицій та ісламу в творчій спадщині Абулкасима Фірдоусі |
Автори: | Цебрій, І.В. |
Ключові слова: | зороастризм іслам традиція цінності пехлеві |
Дата публікації: | 2014 |
Видавець: | Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | Проаналізовано основи поєднання філософії зороастризму та ісламу в енциклопедичному літописі історії Ірану визначного гуманіста Х століття Абулкасима Фірдоусі, показано взаємозв’язок авестійських релігійних уявлень, Біблії та Корану, виявлено основні напрями наукових досліджень із проблеми міфологічного, філософського та поетичного значення літопису «Шах-наме» в історії народів Передньої Азії. Analyzed through a combination of philosophy of Zoroastrianism and Islam encyclopedic chronicle the history of Iran’s distinguished Humanist tenth century Abulkasim Firdousi, The relationship Avesta religious beliefs, the Bible and the Koran, revealed major areas of research on the problem of mythological, philosophical and poetic value chronicle “Shah-nameh” in the history of the peoples of Southwest Asia. In no single scientific point of view on religion prominent Iranian humanist who lived in the Islamic era. He professed traditional Zoroastrian values.
Therefore, the author aims to analyze the correlation zoroastiyskyh traditions and
artistic heritage of Islam in Abulkasym Fіrdowsi (934-1020).
As was fitting for the ancient tradition of the Persians and Tajiks, Fіrdowsi father gave his son a decent education, he was fluent in two languages literary (Farsi and Arabic), Pahlavi learned culture, history, mathematics, astronomy and architecture. Brought up in the spirit of respect for their historical roots, young Ferdowsi admired folk epics, legends and myths, Zoroastrian Avesta, Pahlavi was reading books. The people he became known as “Khakim” (Sage).
The author of “Shah-nameh” is now recognized by the international community “the best poet in the history of Islam.” Fіrdowsi was a Muslim. Despite the sincere patriotism and love for the history and culture of ancient Iran, he lived with faith and devotion to Allah Islamic tradition. At the beginning of “Shah-nameh” fine poet in verse form about his religious beliefs.
When we read today immortal work “Shah-nameh”, we can see that Ferdowsi was aware Bible knew the fi rst and second books of Moses, represented the biblical six days of creation, and also recognized the Arab era. Dying in poverty and oblivion public philosopher hoping that time will put everything in its place and its epochal work will be remembered with great gratitude. Fіrdowsi without friendship describes attack Arabs and death Iranian army, and cowardly murder of the last Shah of Sassanid dynasty Yezdyherd III. Despite the fact that for three centuries before the birth of the Iranian philosopher and poet Islam became the dominant religion in Iran, most of the region’s population continued to make indigenous peoples. They contemptuously treated the Arab culture. “Shah-nameh” and to this day is invaluable encyclopedia of the history of ancient Iran, where a poetic form set out philosophical, moral, religious and aesthetic views not only Fіrdowsi, but worthy people of his era. The image of an educated, morally perfect man, reproduced in “Shah-nameh”, despite the fact that the millennium has passed, still attractive today. Great work and poetic chronicles his particular style of poem later became the subject of imitation. However, none of the poets could write a work of this magnitude.
We followed it working out Zoroastrian culture as it permeated through. This description Avesta and customs, vision mobed-Iranian priests act of creation of the world and place it in human aspirations for truth and goodness, conviction lies and revenge, chanting generosity. However, for the prominent Iranian philosopher and typical ethical values of Islam: the recognition of the leading role of Muhammad, the great prophet of their own supplies to the Islamic world, the use of Arabic chronology and more. This problem is poorly understood at present and requires deep analysis. Promising directions in its research consider the following:
coordination bases Zoroastrianism and Islam in modern Iran, and research issues of war and peace in the creative interpretation Abulkasіm Fіrdowsi. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3589 |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | 2014(32)
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