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Назва: Філософія християнської державності в концептуальному осмисленні митрополита Василя Липківського, В.М. Чехівського та В.К. Липинського
Автори: Ямчук, П.М.
Ключові слова: християнство
феномен вітчизняного христоцентризму й христонаслідування
соціальна доктрина
Дата публікації: 2014
Видавець: Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка
Короткий огляд (реферат): У пропонованій статті окреслюються базисні концепти філософії християнської держави в соціально-правовому осмисленні благовісника УАПЦ – В.М.Чехівського, митрополита Василя Липківського та теоретика держави й філософа-консерватора В.К.Липинського. Проводяться паралелі між їх візіями християнської державності новітніх часів та схожими ідеалами інших україноцентричних філософів, духовних й громадських діячів і державотворців.
In the present article outlines the attention of the readers of the Christian concepts of the state in social and legal understanding evangelist Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church – V. M Chehivskogo, Metropolitan Basil Lipkivskogo and theorist of Ukrainian statehood, the philosopher-conservative V.K. Lipinskogo. Article updated basic ideas Christocentric understanding of the philosophy of Ukrainian individual and social consciousness, close and distant prospect of Ukrainians as a civilizational phenomenon. Weighty philosophical concept in the universe of the three iconic Ukrainian philosophers of the twentieth century. should be regarded as axiomatic emphasis on adherence to the commandments of God Ukrainians. Thereby – in council, national, social and state-legal discourses Ukraine embodied ideological foundations of the Church. The Word of God is not only the essence of existence of the Church, which is natural, but also interpreted Ukrainian spiritual philosophy as determined by the law of domestic transcendental social doctrine, for, as pointed out by Metropolitan Basil Lipkivsky “body of the Church – all of us, universal humanity.” It is in universal humanity, providing not only the coverage of all sectors of the national society, but also spread the ideas of the Church of grace to all humanity contained imanentnaya passionarnost Ukrainian Christocentrism. Such a national philosophy inherent in the strong potential of these universals been approved, the modern world. Been approved, not by violence, and sincere faith of Christ and active love for one’s neighbor. This thesis thinkers of the twentieth century. Confirm the events of the modern Ukrainian history (voluntary movement). On this basic principle is based phenomenon Ukrainian spirituality embodied in the ideas and being transcendental domestic passionarity where the service of God is inseparable from assistance to a person from the state on the construction of Ukrainian identity the principle of unity of the spiritual and moral foundations of social ethics of Christianity, it turns out, in the spirit of dystopia D. Oruella that “war is the world ‘,’ robbery is a gift”, “Contempt is respect,” etc. In the article the parallels between the vision of V. Chehivskim, Metropolitan Basil Lipkivskim and V.K.Lipinskim Christian state of modern times and loved ones ideals ukrainotsentrichnyh other philosophers, religious and community leaders, creators of national statehood. Ukraine since the time of the baptism of Kievan Rus’ was, is and will be an outpost, the focus of the common Christian understanding the basics of world creation by early Christian love of neighbor. The idea that the Ukrainian people is passionarnym, or, in the terminology of Fyodor Dostoevsky, God-bearing defender of the faith in Christ, is in the context of today’s realities, not only justified in historiosophical point of view, but also promising for the global understanding of the phenomenon of Ukraine, is a fundamental for all discourse and all its dimensions. Of the truth of this value-semantic constants indicates a number of terrible trials endured by Ukrainians in the XX-XXI centuries. Ignored, not comprehending, the drive of these tests, as ignoring the truth imperial ideology of the past and present thinkers whose mind is not pomutnen simulacra and illusions, is not possible.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3588
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