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Назва: Іморталізм як антропологічна проблема: інтерпретації, концепції та метанаративні узагальнення
Автори: Распопов, Є.І.
Ключові слова: адорація
«homo immortalis»
Дата публікації: 2014
Видавець: Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті розглядаються основні підходи, інтерпретації та розуміння сучасного іморталізму як глибинної філософсько-антропологічної проблеми.
This article considers the main approaches and understanding of contemporary immortality a deep philosophical and anthropological problems. This problem has a wide range of research through which you can isolate different ways of interpretation and interpretation of all that is included in the concept of «immortality». Treatment immortality there from the standpoint of the religious world view, scientific and historical and philosophical generalizations, despite the large number meta-narrative generalizations immortality possible variations, the problem of death and immortality is needed to study the aspects of social life, cultural and religious and spiritual. Because of the dichotomy of «life – death» problem immortality reveals itself most deeply. Most often scientific immortality understand natural basis of the possibility of radical extension of life up to the achievement of biological immortality, the search for optimal socio-economic models of social order, consisting of immortal individuals. Immortality raises outlook as well as individuals who wish to obtain physical immortality and believe that this achievement is quite possible scientific means and believe that immortality is a boon to all mankind. Given current trends scientific world view, immortality closely correlated with research in the natural sciences, whose ultimate goal is to develop methods of radical life extension. Nowadays, as the only way «scientific immorality» developed in the US, where it was formed from the mid 60›s XX century within the movement supporters «cryonics biology». Of course, a significant role in the emergence of the US, and the whole world immortality played a «Russian biocosmizm». One of the most important places in today›s Nature - research and philosophical - the humanities to the problem of achieving immortality. One indicator of this shift may be the institutionalization movement supporters immortality, reflecting the presence of a significant number of individuals with high levels of awareness, which is inherent desire to save himself. Many believe that the problem of the immortality of man reveals himself through the problem thanatology - death. Proponents and researchers religious world view at everyday world based on faith, as the main core of religion insist on believing in the existence of the «afterlife» after death and immortality possible. But before that is taking place in mythology definite ideas based on sense-shaped components of the concept of «thanatos». The author shows the close relationship problems immortality and religious outlook. Actually, the idea of immortality in religion closely reflected the formulation of the problem in the scientific worldview. However, the principles of solving this problem were different: science was based solely on empirical evidence and rational basis. Therefore, based on comparative analysis and metanarrative approach exists to illustrate the relationship of natural scientific concepts and importance of religious ideas immortality. But somehow in spite of such a huge number of generalizations possible variations immortality problem of life, death and immortality is needed to address the problem in terms of social life, cultural and religious and anthropological.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3585
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