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Название: Філософсько-культурологічні засади дослідження феномену культури
Авторы: Головіна, Н.І.
Ключевые слова: філософія культури
культурологічний підхід
принципи вивчення культури
методи культурології
Issue Date: 2014
Издатель: Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В.Г. Короленка
Краткий осмотр (реферат): У статті розглянуті основні філософські й культурологічні підходи, принципи та методи дослідження культури.
This article discusses the necessity of basic philosophical and cultural approaches, principles and methods which bond objective reality, its valuable understanding and projective for ideal being of culture. For quite a short period of time, since the philosophy of culture, cultural (social) anthropology, cultural studies, and other science questioned the scientific study of culture, there was a lot of different approaches. The process of scientific understanding of the culture demanded the formation and use of certain methodological principles. According to tradition, the study of domestic scientific culture took place within philosophy, sought to develop a holistic, systematic approach to the analysis of culture as a social phenomenon, when its essence is seen as a universal property of society, stimulated the search for a single source and essence of culture. That was the source of the activity approach, on the basis of which were created various forms of human activity by a variety of models of culture as an integrated system. It is shown that a particular view of research and understanding of the culture of life demonstrates cultural studies, which acts as a general theory of culture, interested in issues of universal character formation, existence and variability of culture as an integral phenomenon. The purpose of cultural studies becomes a study of the culture, which is formed on the basis of its understanding. Analyzing the concept of the principles of cultural studies as a major, assumptions cultural studies as an independent science. These are the principles of integrity, cultural pluralism, cultural -historical approach. The article presents a typology of cultural research methods. Reveals the possible genetic, comparative, systemic, structural and functional, sociological, axiological, semiotic, hermeneutic, humanitarian methods. Thus, in order to combine the methods and results of knowledge, to find common ground and, especially, to organize their common action of various social and human sciences, which study the culture, it needs methodological mediator, coordinator of efforts and integrator of information produced. To achieve these goals only philosophical-cultural view of culture may be used as it sees it as a whole, and thus it takes place in each piece.
URI: http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3584
Appears in Collections:2014(32)

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