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Назва: Training of teachers of life safety technologies for students
Автори: Титаренко, В.М.
Titarenko, V.
Ключові слова: safety studies
vocational training
teacher of labor education and technology
life safety
injury prevention
професійно-педагогічна підготовка
вчитель трудового навчання та технологій
безпека життєдіяльності
профілактика травматизму
Дата публікації: 2024
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article reveals that one of the main tasks facing the system of training labor training teachers is to provide higher education students with professional knowledge and skills to ensure not only quality but also safe training. The latter is of particular importance due to the growing number of injuries among students, so a higher education institution needs a targeted, methodologically sound system for the formation and improvement of life safety competence, which includes: knowledge of school curricula for labor training and technology, drawing, organizational forms of education and material support of academic subjects from the point of view of student safety; ability to ensure the safe organization and implementation of educational work in school workshops, interschool training and production facilities, to draw up the necessary regulatory documentation for conducting classes; knowledge of the psychological and physiological foundations of the formation of safe skills, teaching methods and the ability to use this knowledge in the teacher’s practical work; ability to safely conduct socially useful and productive work of students, extracurricular and extracurricular activities; ability to study and use in their work the relevant experience of other subject teachers; information on ensuring their own safety in the process of studying at the university. It is proposed that the content of the course on safety studies at a pedagogical university should include: a brief description of the hazards that occur during training and in the long term; the ability to analyze hazards and assess possible risks; knowledge of methods, principles and means of ensuring safety; the ability to prevent the negative consequences of hazards and provide first aid to victims; knowledge of safety issues for technological processes and labor skills, according to the curriculum. These tasks are solved by three blocks of interrelated aspects: identifying possible hazards; studying preventive measures to protect against them; and learning methods to deal with real hazards and harmful factors.
Опис: Titarenko V. Training of teachers of life safety technologies for students. Ukrainian professional education = Українська професійна освіта : науковий журнал / Полтав. нац. пед. ун-т імені В. Г. Короленка. Полтава, 2024. Вип. 16. С. 94-99.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26044
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