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Назва: The involvement of stakeholders in the formation of general and professional competences of people who have received education in the humanitarian field of knowled
Автори: Лук'яненко, О.В.
Lukyanenko, O.
Ключові слова: higher education
professional training
professional competences
foreign language competence
socio-cultural activities
Master of Cultural Studies
Bachelor of Cultural Studies
вища освіта
професійна підготовка
фахові компетентності
іншомовна компетентність
соціокультурні заходи
магістр культурології
бакалавр культурології
Дата публікації: 2024
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article analyzes the place and role of stakeholders in the system of professional training of cultural studies. It was determined that among the general and professional competencies of the bachelor and master of cultural studies, the state standard of higher education in the specialty defines the ability to communicate in a foreign language, which directly affects the ability to use various sources of information, analyze cultural policy in foreign institutions. It is described how the training of specialists who are able to popularize knowledge about culture and disseminate information of cultural content, using modern information, communication tools and visual technologies among the international community, became one of the foundations of the educational and professional programs «Culturology» of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education of Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko. It is characterized how this process is provided not only by the content of educational components from the cycle of general training, but also through the involvement of stakeholders in the process of developing, discussing, changing and revising educational programs and organizing courses of non-formal education, foreign language training and involvement in socio-cultural projects with territorial communities. It has been proven that mutual work on the training of a specialist in cultural studies, who not only possesses a wide range of modern cultural knowledge, but is also capable of effective interaction with members of the public, has been part of the activities of the Department of Cultural Studies, Philosophy and Museum Studies of the Poltava Pedagogical University since its foundation. A wide base of stakeholders involved in the educational process helps in expanding the possibilities of foreign language training of a specialist who can work in educational institutions, cultural institutions and cultural and creative industries. The implementation in 2020 of the standards of higher education in the specialty 034 Culturology helped outline the range of subjects capable of forming the necessary skills and abilities of a culturologist, and also determined the need for a specialist to communicate freely in state and foreign languages orally and in writing to discuss professional issues, present the results of research and projects. This prompted the establishment of close cooperation with stakeholders for their involvement in the process of formal and informal foreign language education of students with the aim of expanding their potential when looking for work in the cities and towns of the region, Ukraine and the world.
Опис: Lukyanenko O. The involvement of stakeholders in the formation of general and professional competences of people who have received education in the humanitarian field of knowled. Ukrainian professional education = Українська професійна освіта : науковий журнал / Полтав. нац. пед. ун-т імені В. Г. Короленка. Полтава, 2024. Вип. 16. С. 17-26.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25599
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