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Назва: Dynamics of motivational and value attitude of students of the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle
Автори: Mikheienko, O.
Zhamardiy, V.
Liannoi, Yu.
Donchenko, V.
Momot, O.
Sviertniev, O.
Butov, R.
Момот, О.О.
Свєртнєв, О.А.
Ключові слова: health
healthy lifestyle
academic disciplines
здоровий спосіб життя
навчальні дисципліни
Дата публікації: 2024
Короткий огляд (реферат): Aim: The aim of the study is to determine the dynamics of motivational and value attitude of students of the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle. Materials and Methods: The material for analysis was the results of a survey of students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Physical Culture of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko held during 2020-2023. Students of the 1st-4th courses of the 017 «Physical Culture and Sports» and 227 «Therapy and Rehabilitation» specialties took part in the comparative cross-sectional study. The experiment consisted of two stages. 412 students took part in the first stage and 395 students took part in the second. The first stage of the survey was conducted before starting the study of disciplines, the subject of research of which is directly or indirectly related to health, and the second was conducted after the completion of the study of these disciplines. Research methods: theoretical, empirical, methods of statistical data processing. Results: The results of the study indicate the presence of significant interest of students in the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle. If before the start of the experiment the number of students who were interested in health problems was 55.09%, then after the experiment their number increased to 78.48% (p<0.01). Conclusions: According to the students, the leading fields of knowledge in terms of their competence and potential impact on health are: medicine, physical culture and sports, valeology and psychology.
Опис: Mikheienko O., Zhamardiy V., Liannoi Yu., Donchenko V., Momot O., Sviertniev O., Butov R. Dynamics of motivational and value attitude of students of the problem of health and a healthy lifestyle. Acta Balneol. 2024; 67(3). Pp. 164-173. doi: 10.36740/ABAL202403103
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24397
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