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Психологія і соціальна робота у ХХІ столітті (2023) >

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Назва: Features of the formation of psychological wellbeing of students during the war
Автори: Canals-Botines, M.
Kohut, I.V.
Ключові слова: war
war in Ukraine
Ukrainian students
sychological wellbeing
Дата публікації: 2023
Короткий огляд (реферат): February 24, 2022 influenced not only on the history of Ukraine and its territory. This date has changed the whole world. It has changed dramatically and will change in the future. We’ve all changed ourselves as well. Ukrainian children have also changed themselves. We all have different facial expressions and inner state, because every day we go through destruction, darkness, cold, death, loss. We cannot live as before. We can’t smile like we used to. We cannot be the same people as it was before, because this war plays with our destinies. Now we and our children are getting a difficult experience of war, which brings another worldview and values.
Опис: Canals-Botines M., Kohut I. V. Features of the formation of psychological wellbeing of students during the war // Психологія і соціальна робота у ХХІ столітті : зб. наук. матеріалів І Міжнарод. наук.-практ. форуму (1-3 листопада 2023 р., м. Полтава). Полтава, 2023. C. 23-27.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/24128
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