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Название: Innovative approaches of natural scientific training of future teachers of physical education
Авторы: Sohokon, O.
Donets, O.
Fazan, V.
Фазан, В.В.
Согоконь, О.А.
Донець, О. В.
Ключевые слова: innovative approaches
natural science training
future teacher
physical culture
professional training.
Issue Date: 2023
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The presented article analyzes and characterizes innovative approaches to the natural science training of future physical education teachers. Modernization of education prioritizes the formation of a specialist of high quality and competence, capableof innovative search for ways of self-realization in the conditions of continuous integra- tion of Ukraine into the European educational space. Strengthening the health potential of youth, providing a differentiated approach to groups of children of different ages, fore- casting their needs and motivation for physical development and self-improvement de- pends on the physical culture specialist. We have developed an integrated system of medical and biological education to improve the quality and competitiveness of a physical culture specialist in the labor market. Thus, we made an attempt to construct the content of integrated natural science educational disciplines and built an end-to-end logical-didactic structure, updating knowledge in accordance with the new achievements of the disciplines of the natural science cycle; strengthening the relationship between fundamentality and professional orientation of education; ensuring variability and alternative, humanization and democratization of the educational process; improvement of natural science education and establishment of a close connection with sports and specialized training. In this study, the main directions, factors, indicators and criteria for the intensification of student learning with the use of innovative and information and communication technologies were identified. The modernizing ideas of the philosophical interpretation of human value are at the basis of this research, the humanitarian significance of natural scientific knowledge is actualized, which opens up wide possibilities of interdisciplinary and transsubjective integration for use in the process of training modern specialists and achieving high sports results. We have proven the effectiveness of scientific competence, which is ensured by creating an innovative educational environment characterized by openness and autonomy, information saturation and integrability, flexibility and synchronization, multi-vector and creativity. Thanks to the use of innovative approaches in the training of future teachers of physical education, cognitive activity increases, creative thinking and professionalism develop, innovative technologies of physical education are much better assimilated, and most importantly, the mastering of the professional competencies of pedagoguesscientists, pedagogues-innovators takes place. We have proven that the concept of training physical culture specialists of a new type requires mastering an end- to-end multivariate cycle of creative work, from the search for new principles and ideas to the development and implementation of new technologies based on the maximum automation of information processing processes and their practical implementation. We recommend that when planning the educational process in higher education institutions of the physical culture profile, clearly choose and take into account the relationships with previous and subsequent disciplines, adjust the content of the disciplines being studied in order to prevent duplication of educational material. The integrative approach is the most predictable and necessary, we will see the solution to the problem of integration in a close combination of natural science and sports-specialized training. Natural science disciplines in general should include professionally oriented knowledge, peculiarities of teaching and education methods. With such an approach, the assimilation of professionally oriented disciplines takes place through the principle of connecting theory with practice, thus actualizing knowledge and forming skills in professional and pedagogical activities.
Описание: Sohokon O. A., Donets O. V., Fazan V. V. Innovative approaches of natural scientific training of future teachers of physical education // Педагогічні науки : наук. журн. Полтав. нац. пед. ун-т імені В. Г. Короленка. 2023. Вип. 82. C. 87-91.
URI: http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22901
Appears in Collections:2023(82)

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