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Синергетичний підхід до проєктування життєвого простору особистості (2023) >
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Название: | Implementation of the “writing for inclusion” (win) project in the conditions of war in Ukraine |
Авторы: | Canals-Botines, M. Kohut, I. |
Ключевые слова: | Ukraine Writing for inclusion Poltava National Pedagogical University Writing in Inclusive Education education |
Issue Date: | 2023 |
Краткий осмотр (реферат): | Inclusion is a long-term key priority for the European Union to ensure diversity
in Europe. In 2010, the European Commission launched the Europe 2020 Strategy,
which promotes social cohesion and development. The “Writing for Inclusion”
(WIN) project focuses on raising awareness, changing perceptions, and providing
resources to implement inclusion in education through the conception of Care in
The start of the war in Ukraine in February, 2022 fundamentally changed the
socio-economic, cultural and educational situation. This situation had a particularly
strong impact on to educational system as well.
Due to this the purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of
implementation of the “Writing for inclusion” (WIN) project in the conditions of
war in Ukraine. |
Описание: | Canals-Botines M., Kohut I. Implementation of the “writing for inclusion”
(win) project in the conditions of war in Ukraine // Синергетичний підхід до проєктування життєвого простору особистості : зб. наук. матеріалів ІІІ Міжнарод. наук.-практ. конф. (27-28 квітня 2023 р., м. Полтава). Полтава, 2023. C. 6-9. |
URI: | http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21860 |
Appears in Collections: | Синергетичний підхід до проєктування життєвого простору особистості (2023)
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