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Назва: Composition of personality education of future teachers during the creation of health environment at higher education institution
Автори: Momot, O.
Grynova, M.
Mamon, O.
Sribna, Yu.
Diachenko-Bohun, M.
Hrytsai, N.
Grygus, I.
Smolenska, O.
Ostrowska, M.
Napierala, M.
Hagner-Derengowska, M.
Kaluzny, K.
Muszkieta, R.
Zukow, W.
Момот, О.О.
Гриньова, М.В.
Мамон, О.В.
Срібна, Ю.А.
Дяченко-Богун, М.М.
Ключові слова: pedagogical technology
health-preserving environment
personality of the future teacher
institution of higher education
педагогічні технології
здоров'язберігаюче середовище
заклад вищої освіти
Дата публікації: 2021
Короткий огляд (реферат): The experience of preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation contains many theoretical positions and practical achievements on the physical, mental, spiritual and mental development of the individual. Analysis of classifications of current health technologies made it possible to create a composition of technology for educating the personality of the future teacher in terms of creating a health environment of higher education, covering four components, which aim to form health knowledge, skills, health promotion and reproduction participants of the educational process, is to create safe conditions for stay, study and work in higher education, solves the problem of rational organization of the educational process, allows to maintain the current state of health of students, forms a higher level of their health competence, healthy lifestyle skills, namely: - the introduction of the Olympic movement in the education of the future teacher in a healthy environment of higher education increases the motivation of future professionals to health, physical culture and sports, and as a consequence, prevents smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, forms a rational attitude to their health; - the formation of a culture of health in the education of the future teacher in terms of creating a healthy environment of higher education covers pedagogical, psychological, social aspects, the main task of which is to form a positive attitude of the future specialist to their own health and personal lifestyle their understanding of values, giving priority to health care through education;- the use of the principles of rational and balanced nutrition in the education of the future teacher in the creation of a healthy environment of higher education provides a high level of efficiency, and as a result of maintaining health and well-being;- development of health-preserving activity in education of the future teacher's personality in the conditions of creation of health-preserving environment of higher education institution provides development of motor qualities, activity, correction of own behavior, improvement of health-preserving processes of vital activity, support and strengthening of physical, mental, social and spiritual health future specialist. It should be noted that the technology involves an active position of the future specialist, the desire to change and be able to neutralize the negative impact of both internal and external barriers.
Опис: MOMOT O., GRYNOVA M., MAMON O., SRIBNA Yu., DIACHENKO-BOGUN M., HRYTSAI N., GRYGUS I., SMOLEŃSKA O., OSTROWSKA A., NAPIERAŁA M., HAGNER-DERENGOWSKA M., KAŁUŻNY K., MUSZKIETA R., ZUKOW W. Composition of personality education of future teachers during the creation of health environment at higher education institution. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol 21 (Suppl. issue 5), Art 373 pp 2803 – 2812, Oct 2021.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21211
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