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Назва: Psychoprophylaxis of the Disinformation Virus
Автори: Morgun, V.
Моргун, В.Ф.
Ключові слова: psychoprophylaxis
Дата публікації: 2020
Короткий огляд (реферат): The invasion of coronavirus-19 has already been described as a hybrid pandemic consisting of a physiological effect on the body and a psychological effect on the mind, which, thanks to the Internet, is much more powerful both in terms of speed of distribution and number of victims. That is why the truth or distortion of information, in case of infection of the global network with fake lies about the coronavirus, can have negative consequences even worse than the biological causative agent of the disease.
Опис: Morgun V. F. Psychoprophylaxis of the Disinformation Virus / M. F. Morgun // Philosophy, psychology and pedagogics against COVID-19: Manual / Ed. : V. V. Rybalka, A. P. Samodryn, O. V. Voznyuk, V. F. Morgun and others; a team of authors. Zhytomyr: Privat enterprise Euro-Volyn, 2020. - P. 81-96.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16224
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