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Назва: Formation and development of students’ graphic literacy in the process of workshop classes on technical modeling
Автори: Kozyrod, O.
Козирод, О.Г.
Ключові слова: освітній процес закладу позашкільної освіти
гурткова робота
позашкільна освіта
графічна грамотність
графічна діяльність
графічні завдання
освітній процес
workshop activity
educational process of the institution of extracurricular education
graphic literacy
graphic activity
graphic tasks
Дата публікації: 2018
Короткий огляд (реферат): In the article the essence, practical significance and specificity of the process of formation and development of students’ graphic literacy during the studies of the workshop classes on technical modeling in the educational environment of the institution of extracurricular education of the scientific and technical direction of the initial technical profile are considered. In the article the essence, practical significance and specificity of the process of formation and development of graphic literacy of students during the classes of technical modeling circle in the educational environment of the institution of extracurricular education of the scientific and technical direction of the initial technical profile are considered. On the basis of software analysis, practical graphic activity of the students, we determine a technological sequence of graphic tasks, pedagogical conditions of qualitative mastering of the basics of graphic literacy by means of workshop classes. It was practically proved that the efficiency of the impact of workshop work on technical modeling on graphic language acquisition by children of junior school and teenage age during solving graphic tasks differentiated by the level of complexity. It was didactically grounded that the need for students to master the basics of polytechnic education through graphic activity during the design of models of technical objects as a basis for further profiling and self-determination of themselves with a specific technical branch of knowledge and a direction of personal self-development. The methodical aspects of the organization of forms of educational activity, the use of methods, techniques, technologies, approaches, methods of teaching that promote the formation and development of graphic literacy of students are described. We determined the motivational factor of classes as the main factor of development of interest of students to graphic, designing, project activity, obtaining own practical experience of creative work and realization of their preferences in the educational dynamic environment of the institution of extracurricular education.
Опис: Kozyrod O. Formation and development of students’ graphic literacy in the process of workshop classes on technical modeling / O. Kozyrod // Ukrainian professional education = Українська професійна освіта: наук. журн. / Полтав. нац. пед. ун-т імені В. Г. Короленка. – Полтава, 2018. – Вип. 4. – С. 39-45.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.pnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12382
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