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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Continuity as a leading trend in the development of choreographic education in UkraineBlahova, T.; Благова, Т.О.
2022Folk festivals organization in the children’s institution of healthcare and recreationIrkliienko, V.; Ірклієнко, В.С.
2022Formation of preschoolers’ awareness of ukrainian pysanka painting regional featuresVashak, O.; Hnizdilova, O.; Manzhelii, N.; Вашак, О.О.; Гнізділова, О.А.; Манжелій, Н.М.
2022Future fine arts teachers’ professionalism formation in the department cultural and educational spaceSaienko, T.; Batiievska, T.; Mokhirieva, Y.; Саєнко, Т.В.; Батієвська, Т.В.; Мохірєва, Ю.А.
2022Future teacher training to overcome children’s tempo-rhythmic speech disorders by means of ukrainian folk songsSulaieva, N.; Leshchenko, M.; Сулаєва, Н.В.; Лещенко, М.П.
2022Internationalization of universities through participation in the ERASMUS + KA2 projectsGrynova, M.; Kohut, I.; Гриньова, М.В.; Когут, І.В.
2022Modern military vocabulary in teaching english: linguistic and social aspects of masteringStyrkina, Y.; Стиркіна, Ю.С.
2022Modern problems of teacher training: theory and practiceLukianova, L.; Vovk, M.; Лук'янова, Л.Б.; Вовк, М.П.
2022Modern techniques of digital visual didactic content of mathematical, informatic and natural educa tional branches in elementary schoolProtsai, L.; Gibalova, N.; Pochynok, Y.; Fediy, O.; Процай, Л.П.; Гібалова, Н.В.; Починок, Є.А.; Федій, О.А.
2022Multilingualism and clil methodology within multied ERASMUS+ PROJECTZuyenko, M.; Kravchenko, V.; Kohut, I.; Зуєнко, М.О.; Кравченко, В.Л.; Когут, І.В.
2022Music teacher and primary school teacher training within one educational programDemianko, N.; Дем'янко, Н.Ю.
2022Non-formal music education organization in out-of-school institutionsMyroshnychenko, V.; Мирошниченко, В.В.
2022Paths to Inclusion and Acceptance – Developing a Multidimensional Teacher Development Module in the Win projectArva, V.; Trentinné Benkő, E.
2022Pedagogical conditions of usage didactic games for young children’s sensory educationVilkhova, O.; Hryshko, O.; Вільхова, О.Г.; Гришко, О.І.
2022Ponímanie zdravia, zdravotnej gramotnosti a edukácie k zdraviu dospelých v nemecky hovoriacich krajináchMatulchyk, J.
2022Preliminary remarks on writing for inclusion: european cooperative work between primary schools with etwinning and digital storiesCanals-Botines, M.; Medina-Casanovas, N.
2022Primary school pupils’ environmental competence formation in the process of mastering the natural field of studyVlasenko, N.; Власенко, Н.О.
2022Primary school teachers’ soft skills development while teaching philological disciplinesBraiilko, Y.; Palekha, O.; Rudych, O.; Браїлко, Ю.І.; Палеха, О.М.; Рудич, О.О.
2022Stylistic features of the composer’s handwriting of the teacher-artist Hryhorii LevchenkoLobach, O.; Komyshan, Y.; Yakovlev, V.; Лобач, О.О.; Комишан, Ю.В.; Яковлев, В.П.
2022Technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive educationRaluy, A.
Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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