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Showing results 330 to 349 of 24817
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Happiness of the sociology of imagination of Gilbert DurandСас, Н.М.; Sas, N.
2023HISTOLOGICAL AND MORPHOMETRIC FEATURES OF THE MUCOCILIARY SYSTEM OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE INFERIOR AND POSTERIOR WALLS OF THE FRONTAL SINUS IN A NORMSerbin, S.; Dubyna, S.; Bondarenko, S.; Bilash, V.; Svintsytska, N.; Katsenko, A.; Сербін, С.І.; Дубина, С.О.; Бондаренко, С.В.; Білаш, В.П.; Свінциццька, Н.Л.; Каценко, А.Л.; Корчан, Н.О.; Korchan, N.
2019Historical Demography in Ukraine: From “Political Arithmetic” to Non-Political HistorySerdiuk, I.; Voloshyn, Y.; Сердюк, І.О.; Волошин, Ю.В.
2023Historical development of the ukrainian costume and its regional featuresSribna, Y.; Okhrimenko, L.
2011History and Traditions of Ukrainian Christian Holidays and RitesСосой, Г.С.
2006Homo historicus. Скандал існуванняКовальчук, З.; Осипенко, О.М.
2014Household composition and family structures of Ukrainian Cossacks in the second half of the eighteenth centuryVoloshyn, Y.; Волошин, Ю.В.
2024How can young people across the Globe Promote Sustainable Living Amidst Technology and Becoming One World GroupComiso-Magalso, L.
2023How Do You Overcome Fear? (Based on “Mio, My Son” by Astrid Lindgren)Nikolenko, O.; Ніколенко, О.М.
2022How Lookism Appears in Japanese SocietyMatsukura, C.
2024How sustainable is teaching through English in non-Anglosphere contexts?Hunter, M.
2019Human geography in Ukraine: problems of development and priority research directionsShevchuk, S.; Шевчук, С.М.
2022Hydroxy and keto acids products of metabolism and components of medicinal productsEljabrani, F.; Nikoziat, Y.
2021Iclusion and online learning in the middleschool in pandemic times (Italy)Ventura, M.
2009III міжнародна наукова конференція "Держава і церква в Україні за радянської доби"Бабенко, Л.Л.
2020Illegal marriages: violation of the matrimonial requirements by the ukrainian orthodox population during the XVIIIth ‒ the first half of the XIXth centuriesБороденко, О.А.; Borodenko, O.; Sharavara, T.; Walancik-Ryba, K.
2020Image as a presentation of a university teacherВашак, О.О.; Vashak, O.; Martirosyan, L.; Fedorenko, Yu.
2024Images of Ukraine and Ukrainians in the Story “Taras Bulba” by M. Gogol (1835)Nikolenko, O.; Ніколенко, О.М.
Showing results 330 to 349 of 24817
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